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Stacy Snyder Ceramics and The Cycling Podcast

If you are a listener of The Cycling Podcast you will have heard of Stacy Snyder. A renowned ceramisist from the USA who is also a cycling fan. She was already making themed coffee cups for her favourite pro cyclists and came to the attention of Richard Moore the much missed founder member of the Podcast. Stacy says on her website..

"In late 2018 Richard Moore contacted me and asked if I would be interested in making limited edition cups for The Cycling Podcast. Without hesitation I said an enthusiastic YES. Richard had the idea to tie the sales of the cups to meaningful causes and raise money for charities and to sell cups as part of each cycling grand tour."

Richard was a great supporter of the Rayner Foundation, and whilst he is sadly not with us any more, Lionel Birnie and Daniel Friebe of The Cycling Podcast have extended that support by selecting the RF as a recipient of this years Grand Tour Stacy Snyder Cup Fundraising Sales.

We have received a substantial sum of just under £2500 from Stacy and want to thank her for her hard work and overall support of Cycling.

If you want to get your hands on one of Stacys cycling themed cups you may have to wait until next season, but in the meantime check out her website here and her Etsy shop here

If you are not already a listener of The Cycling Podcast then check them out here Regular episodes on all that is interesting in the world of professional racing.

Thanks again to all involved in this initiative. All donations are used to enable young and talented British riders race in Europe with a view to becoming professional cyclists.

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